you read it right, all right!!! Garmin Mobile XT GPS software that you can install to your handphone, all most all symbian and windows mobile ones atleast....they could be with a built-in GPS functionality or you can get external bluetooth GPS receivers like Garmin, Holux to name a fact a good buddy Kian Seng introduced me to this, he was using a Holux receiver....didn't know about this, always thought of purpose built GPS..
anyway i experimented with James' Nokia N95 and it took me a while to get it working...a certain installation step is required...James took 2 days....and couldn't get it to work but his google earth was working.....hahahahah....anyway after meddling with it for an hour and a worked beautifully....
then it was my turn...i just got a nokia N78 courtesy from Digi for free...tried to install the same software to the phone but it just froze...tried a few times and it still wouldn't work....then i found out that the N78 is one of those new phones with Symbian 60 fp2 and the software wouldn't work aka freeze how? found out that Garmin has a new release that will support fp2...ahh and it worked beautifully too...took it for a spin this morning...'s the link
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