Tuesday, January 02, 2007

We finally won...

We finally won...you noticed a change in line up?...Sully & Marques...and the new loan recruit Robbie Elliot from Sunderland..anyway it was a good result 2-1, goals from Healy and Douglas

Sullivan, Richardson (Westlake 62), Marques, Foxe, Elliott, Blake (Howson 75), Douglas, Nicholls, Lewis, Moore (Kandol 73), Healy. Subs: Warner, Carole.

1 comment:

promises said...

we must rejuvenate. we need a better goalie. i doubt sully can maintain his good form, he past his best. and with warner as back up. i dont think thats a good idea.

and i dont think we should march our way to the league one..