Friday, September 01, 2006

Another bites the dust

Its another sad day today! Mr Sak has finally call it day after what?! 6 years? I think he's tolerated that much for the past 2 years. Anyway, I'm glad he chose his path.

All the best in your future undertakings, Mr Sak!! Do keep in when will be our next Bah Kut Teh session? Sit Ubu sit, good dog...


Anonymous said...

Friend, dont be so sad. He has suffer more than i do. I would said, he has finally get release from "hell". Haha.

Julian said...

amen brother

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends,

Yes, it has been more than 6 years and it is time to say bye-bye. Will update you where is my new location when I am on board.

Bak Kut Teh is always welcome...

Derry Sak